Fleeting moments

I am currently typing this post in the dark, all set and ready for bed. It was raining earlier so I felt a tad bit sleepier than usual. Made simple chicken soup for dinner and while I was eating a package from my best friend arrived. She was generous enough to send me a pack of delicious brownies! Perfect timing, my hormones are acting crazy and I’ve been crazy craving for chocolates lately โค

So..the last month of the year is here.


Where did the time go? It wasn’t fast but wasn’t slow either. It almost feels like I started working last month, has it really been 8 months? Wow. 8-5 routine really had consumed my time. I’m pushed into a new world and “i’m tired” is my new “i’m fine thank you”. But in all seriousness,2018 has been nothing but a changing point for me. Well, I’ll save that for another post.

In this post I just want to relax and recall my favorite moments from the past few months. Honestly, I cried way too much, constantly unsure about everything and doubting myself. But I can’t be the only one right?

In the midst of uncertainties and untamed chaos in my head, meeting familiar faces really helped replenish my dried out energy. Just a simple intimate moment with your loved ones on a weekend could retain the energy and enthusiasm you lost during the weekdays. The impact of these moments is almost miraculous, I may be a bit exaggerating here but living in a society that actually mind their own business can get tiresome at some point. I usually call my parents on weekends but having an actual presence has a very calming effect.

Though it may be just minutes, hours, or just accidentally bumping into each other, these series of fleeting moments are always refreshing and worthy of reminiscing.

Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ™‚

Autumn Activity 2.0

Happy Sunday readers!

It’s 9:17 P.M here in Japan and I just had my quick dinner after showering.I was really excited about today’s post because I finally went out today to see gorgeous red maple leaves in ้ฆ™ๅตๆธ“ (Kourankei)! I’ve been wanting to see red autumn leaves for a while, Alhamdulillah I’m still given this chance every year. This morning we woke up around 6 A.M, which is impossible for me during weekend to do, get ready and ran to the train station because we almost missed it! (it was fun though) After the train ride, we took a bus to the place,  taking up almost 1 hour altogether.

Upon arriving, I was very excited to see the view. It was BEAUTIFUL. Words and pictures don’t do justice. You have to see it for yourself. It was almost magical. I repeatedly said “my eyes have been blessed“, “weh aku rasa mata aku macam kena cuci” because seriously, after weeks of office hours, this was truly refreshing. When you’re working in technical field, things can get monotonous and boring at times. And personally for me, it’s really challenging my emotional balance and also, inner peace; which I’m still figuring out how to maintain it.

We headed to the main photo spots and took pictures, then sat by the clear river to have lunch. I managed to make a simple bento (lunch box) of rice and sauteed chicken. Then we continued strolling around the place and took some more pictures. Well, we did took tons of picture but I’ll only post some down below ๐Ÿ™‚

I wore Uniqlo cardigan and white jeans I just bought last week. Semangat kan. I know :p Also for the makeup look today, I tried dewy look because I’ve been getting more acne lately and it’s cold now so dry face is the last thing I want, but thanks to concealer and sunlight, they smoothed things out!

Thank You for reading ๐Ÿ™‚

Autumn Activity 1.0

Happy Tuesday readers ๐Ÿ™‚

It’s still weekday, I’m just laying in my bed writing while listening to some old songs playing in the background. Prepared my hijab and shirt for work tomorrow. Had sambal sotong with brown rice for dinner p/s: only having brown rice because I ran out of white rice. As an Asian, I have to eat rice, be it white or brown. It’s a need..


It was a raining earlier today and I realized I missed the rain. It has been quite a while since it last rained and it wasn’t as cold as yesterday. Just love the sound, the cozy feeling on a rainy autumn day โค

As Autumn season has arrived and the leaves are slowly (or rapidly at some places) turning yellow, people usually go out to enjoy the scenery and they call it ็ด…่‘‰ (koyo)ใ€€which means autumn/maple leaves. So last Saturday I had a last minute plan and joined my friends to this place, Gujo Hachiman in Gifu Prefecture. The place is 1.5hour drive from my place, I’ve never heard of this place before but this is the description from this website,

Visit Gujo Hachiman and you can expect to be immersed in an authentic small town Japanese experience unique to an “off the beaten path” town. Here the traditional way of living is on a very human scale. People passing each other in the street still greet each other with a small bow, and exchange a passing greeting.

…which is true!

It’s a small town with traditional small wooden buildings along the road with a river flowing around it. We arrived quite late so we went to the castle up on the hill and then took a stroll in the street. And thankfully we found an Indian Halal restaurant so we had our dinner there. Each of us were shivering because it was so cold it felt like winter! I didn’t take many photos but here are some. Probably because I used my phone to take some videos for my Youtube channel but we all know how lazy and unmotivated I am during weekdays..Well, lesson learnt here!



Thank you for reading ๐Ÿ™‚